Week Four


Hold the ball

The weight is shifted back to the left foot as the left knee is bent. The ball of the right foot is lifted of the ground and rotated slightly outward ending at about a 45% angle as the waist is also slightly rotated outward to the right. As the waist is turned the left hand is brought up to the waist with the palm up and the right hand is rotated so the palm is facing down and you are holding the ball again.


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Ward off

The weight is now shifted to the right foot as the right knee is bent.   The left foot is lifted and moved up ahead of the body with the toes pointing straight ahead.  As with the prior Ward off, when setting the foot down do it slowly as if testing your footing on a unsure surface.  Now turn the waist and shift 70% of your weight to the left foot as the left arm lifts up and the right arm moves down. At the end of the movement the left hand should be positioned as if the same ball is being held between the hand and the chest


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